Dance to the sounds of nature vol. 2
When enemies knock at our door
With an army of 10,000 soldiers they surround us
In their hands are spears
Shaped like heads of dragon
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
Their helmets are of steel
Their breast plates are of brass
Their spears are long and sharp
They stood tall before use as giants
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
Their shout for war was as thunder in our ears
They stood as army by the multitude
Ten thousand at our right they stood
Ten thousand at our left they stood
With thirst and hunger for war in their faces
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
With a shout for war
They draw their swords
We see a sea of thousands of swords drawn in the air
The blades of their swords shinning in the sun
Their spears drawn as they advance forward
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground we stood
For the Lord is our warrior
To our left we behold a battalion of soldiers on horses
To our right we behold a battalion of chariots
Their arrows drawn in the air in their bows
We behold all these
Yet unmoved, we stood our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
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