The Trinity of Lights
Black of Darkness
Before the sun was formed there was darkness.
Before the moon was formed, there was darkness.
Before the earth was formed, there was darkness.
Before anything was formed, there was darkness
The rhythm of life is a dance between the light and the black of darkness.
Black Star
There is darkness, then sunrise, then back to darkness
The pendulum swings from darkness to light, then back to darkness
Life swings from darkness to life then back to darkness
When it gets darkest, the stars come out.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black star and the black of darkness.
Black Night
The inner nature of the black of darkness is unknown
Black exists on every plain and on every level
Below the very depths of the earth is darkness
Above the stars of the sky is darkness
The black of darkness is everywhere.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black night and the black of darkness
Black Beauty
What is within the black is unknown.
A black man may have the outer appearance of a beggar
Yet, he could be a rich man
And, yet another black man may have the appearance of a beggar
And could indeed be a beggar.
What is within the black of darkness is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black beauty and the black of darkness
Black Love
A black woman may have the outer appearance of youth,
Yet her actual age will surprise you.
And, still yet another black woman may have the outer appearance of old age
Yet her age will surprise you.
What is within the black of darkness is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black love and the black of darkness
Black Sabbath
The colors and metals of the week
Sunday is Gold color yellow
Monday is Silver color white
Tuesday is Iron color red
Wednesday is Mercury color purple
Thursday is Tin color blue
Friday is copper color green
Saturday is lead color black
The color of the 7th day of the week, which is the Sabbath is black
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black Sabbath and the black of darkness
Black Shoes
Like they say, once you go black you can never go back.
I wonder why this is so?
Is it something contained within the seed of the black color?
That transforms everything to itself?
What is within the black is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black shoes and the black of darkness.
Black dancer
A black lady at the age of 23 may be a university graduate
Yet another black lady at the age of 23 could barely read and write
Why? The black of darkness exists on all levels.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black dancer and the black of darkness
Black rock
The black of darkness is the background on which all else exists
The black of darkness is unknown
The black of darkness existed before the sun, the moon and the stars
The black of darkness is in all the things.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black rock and the black of darkness
Black lace
The black of darkness is the void before life began
The black of darkness is the carpet on which the light walks
The black of darkness is the foundation on which all is built
The black of darkness is the beginning and the end.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black lace and the black of darkness
Black stockings
The re-incarnating soul returns from the past
with knowledge and skills
The souls return from Atlantis with it's knowledge
of science, and is reborn in the new land
Then lo, and behold, we have new inventions from the past.
The souls return from African kings and prophets from the past
then lo, and behold we have mighty achievers.
what is within the black of darkness is unknown
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black stockings and the black of darkness
Written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
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