Behold the five lights of truth before you
Behold the light of unity
Behold the light of wisdom
Behold the light of beauty
Behold the light of understanding
Behold the light of justice
Hatred is a malice form the heart
Inflicted unjustly on to another without cause
Hatred is a danger to one’s own self
A hate crime has no reason, has no just cause
Beware of hatred for it is a destroyer of light
The hater says “I hate you for being different”
The hater says “I hate you for your different religion”
The hater says “I hate you for your different gender”
The hater says “I hate you for the things you have”
Now where is the motive behind such hate
Beware of hatred for it is destroyer of light
The hater may kill out of hate
The hater may destroy others property out of hate
The hater may put symbols of racial bias out of hate
The hater may start a fight out of hate
Beware of hatred for it is destroyer of light
The hater is compelled to hate for lack of understanding
The hater hates for lack of wisdom
The hater hates for lack of unity
The hater hates for lack of compassion
The hater hates cause of their inferiority complex
Beware of hatred for it is destroyer of light
We are each other’s brothers keepers
We are after all human before the eyes of God
Whether we differ or the same, we are all human
Equal in every respect, equal in every way
A man is a man regardless of race
A woman is a woman regardless of age
A child is a child regardless of religion
Beware of hatred for it is destroyer of light
Now look before you, hate has extinguished the lights of truth
Now look to your right, and you see darkness
Now look to your left and you see darkness
Now look behind you and you see darkness
Behold, your world has become darkness
When you are consumed by hate
Beware of hatred for it is a destroyer of light
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
No condition is permanent
Everything changes with time
Not even a rock remains the same
Not even gold remains the same
For change is a necessity of life
There are no absolutes
Everything is in motion
Motion causes constant change
Change is a permanent factor of life
For change is a necessity of life
We may desire change for a better country
A change for a new direction
of hope for our future generations
A change to improve our standard of living
For change is a necessity of life
We may desire a change to improve the welfare of our society
A change to improve the economic standards of our country
A change to provide food to countries that are starving
A change to embrace each other as brothers and sisters
Regardless of race, gender or religion
For change is a necessity of life
Change can take place outwardly
Change can take place inwardly
Change can take place both outwardly and inwardly
But real and a lasting change can only come from within
For the father of change is the God within
Evolution requires constant refinement
Change and evolution or devolution go hand in hand
We cannot evolve without change
A change in our mental attitude
Can certainly bring about a change in our environment
The pendulum of change was set in motion from the beginning of time
Time does not stand still
Neither does change stand still
For time and change are intertwined in the pendulum of life
Who can stop time ?
Who can stop change ?
The voice of the people, is the voice of God
Change is a necessity of life
With change comes evolution
The evolution of the mind is a goal of change
The regeneration of the minds of our youth
With new thoughts, and ideas that embrace unity
To know that each is a brother’s keeper
That in the end we are all human
Regardless of genders, race or creed
Is a slogan of change
A man is a man whether tall or short
A woman is a woman whether fat or slim
A child is a child regardless of race
God remains the same regardless of our religious belief
A change in the old ways of thinking, must give place to the new
No one person has all the answers to life
But within the unified mind of the many
Are many solutions to life’s challenges
Mind has no skin color
Mind is not limited by gender
Mind is not confined to age
Mind in its desire to be, causes change
And the mind of change can be anyone
Listen to the mental voice of the speaker
Rather than his or her skin color
Pay heed to the mind of the writer
Regardless of the gender
Pay attention to the voice of the mind
Regardless of its age
The source of all change is our God the divine
For the creator set this life in motion
God works in mysterious ways
For the one that may bring peace in your conflict
May be an unexpected voice of mind
Which knows neither race, gender, or creed
Change is an attribute of motion
Motion is an attribute of mind
Life is an attribute of mind
It is mind that causes changes in our life
A change of heart may kindle or dissolve love
A change of government may change the economy of a country
A change of mind, may change the heart
A change of mind, may change a government
Do not fear change
Do not fear what you have never seen
For how else can you step out and forward
We must be ready to embrace change anytime
For no condition is permanent
Not even for the rock of ages
Technology changes so rapidly that we can hardly keep up
By the time one device is introduced
Another one of a different kind follows
Change reminds us that mind is ceaselessly bringing new ideas
Change is a necessity of life
We have seen the old ways of things
Though there are times past that were glorious days
We may sometimes wish the past can become the present
Unfortunately, the law of change does not permit that
Evolution, brings about change
Whether good or bad
It is a part and parcel of life
Whether we like it or not
It will come to the door uninvited
Customers buy merchandise from stores
Then return them a few days later
Cause they changed their mind
It is fairly acceptable, no questions asked
You have to take back the merchandise
You have to refund their money
A change of mind is a factor of life
Step up boldly into the unknown world of change
Our youth grows so rapidly
It may only seem yesterday when you held a baby in your arms
But today he/she stands taller than you
Change is rapid these days
And do not be frightened by the new things it brings
You may say to yourself
I like things the way they are
You may say to yourself
I do not like things the way they are
Whether you like them or not
Change will come about anyway
So stand still if you want
The child will grow to become a man or woman with time
Time causes changes
Mind causes changes
Our human nature causes changes
Our need to adapt to change itself causes changes
Change comes whether we are ready or not
Change is like a thief that breaks into your house
It comes unannounced
Like a thief, through a window it may come
Like a thief, through a door it may come
Like a thief, through a roof it may come
Come it will, for its nature is change
You may shut your doors tight
Change will make the effort to break in
You may fasten your windows tight
Change will make the effort to come in
You may leave your doors ajar
Change will come unannounced
Change does not ask to be invited into the house
When change comes into the house it brings its own chair
You do not have to offer it a seat
For it brings its own chair
It comes and seats in its own chair called “Transformation”
And announces new ideas of change
Whether you are ready for them or not
Change is a necessity of change
Variety is the spice of life
Change brings about variety
A change of clothes is refreshing
A change of food is appetizing
A new face is always welcome
Change is the spice of life
May the lord, guide our footsteps on the right path of change
May the lord, grant us wisdom to change for the best
May the lord, grant us understanding to accept change
May the lord, grant us compassion to change our hearts
May the lord, grant us the will to change our minds
May the changes to come bring everlasting peace
May the lord, grant us a change in our attitudes
May the lord, change our attitudes towards racial intolerance
May the lord, change us to unite us as citizens of earth
May the lord, remove the fear of change from our hearts
May the lord, grant us the patience of change
From the poem 'CHANGE IS A NECESSITY OF LIFE", within the book "THE TRINITY OF LIGHTS, VOL. 2"
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
Everything changes with time
Not even a rock remains the same
Not even gold remains the same
For change is a necessity of life
There are no absolutes
Everything is in motion
Motion causes constant change
Change is a permanent factor of life
For change is a necessity of life
We may desire change for a better country
A change for a new direction
of hope for our future generations
A change to improve our standard of living
For change is a necessity of life
We may desire a change to improve the welfare of our society
A change to improve the economic standards of our country
A change to provide food to countries that are starving
A change to embrace each other as brothers and sisters
Regardless of race, gender or religion
For change is a necessity of life
Change can take place outwardly
Change can take place inwardly
Change can take place both outwardly and inwardly
But real and a lasting change can only come from within
For the father of change is the God within
Evolution requires constant refinement
Change and evolution or devolution go hand in hand
We cannot evolve without change
A change in our mental attitude
Can certainly bring about a change in our environment
The pendulum of change was set in motion from the beginning of time
Time does not stand still
Neither does change stand still
For time and change are intertwined in the pendulum of life
Who can stop time ?
Who can stop change ?
The voice of the people, is the voice of God
Change is a necessity of life
With change comes evolution
The evolution of the mind is a goal of change
The regeneration of the minds of our youth
With new thoughts, and ideas that embrace unity
To know that each is a brother’s keeper
That in the end we are all human
Regardless of genders, race or creed
Is a slogan of change
A man is a man whether tall or short
A woman is a woman whether fat or slim
A child is a child regardless of race
God remains the same regardless of our religious belief
A change in the old ways of thinking, must give place to the new
No one person has all the answers to life
But within the unified mind of the many
Are many solutions to life’s challenges
Mind has no skin color
Mind is not limited by gender
Mind is not confined to age
Mind in its desire to be, causes change
And the mind of change can be anyone
Listen to the mental voice of the speaker
Rather than his or her skin color
Pay heed to the mind of the writer
Regardless of the gender
Pay attention to the voice of the mind
Regardless of its age
The source of all change is our God the divine
For the creator set this life in motion
God works in mysterious ways
For the one that may bring peace in your conflict
May be an unexpected voice of mind
Which knows neither race, gender, or creed
Change is an attribute of motion
Motion is an attribute of mind
Life is an attribute of mind
It is mind that causes changes in our life
A change of heart may kindle or dissolve love
A change of government may change the economy of a country
A change of mind, may change the heart
A change of mind, may change a government
Do not fear change
Do not fear what you have never seen
For how else can you step out and forward
We must be ready to embrace change anytime
For no condition is permanent
Not even for the rock of ages
Technology changes so rapidly that we can hardly keep up
By the time one device is introduced
Another one of a different kind follows
Change reminds us that mind is ceaselessly bringing new ideas
Change is a necessity of life
We have seen the old ways of things
Though there are times past that were glorious days
We may sometimes wish the past can become the present
Unfortunately, the law of change does not permit that
Evolution, brings about change
Whether good or bad
It is a part and parcel of life
Whether we like it or not
It will come to the door uninvited
Customers buy merchandise from stores
Then return them a few days later
Cause they changed their mind
It is fairly acceptable, no questions asked
You have to take back the merchandise
You have to refund their money
A change of mind is a factor of life
Step up boldly into the unknown world of change
Our youth grows so rapidly
It may only seem yesterday when you held a baby in your arms
But today he/she stands taller than you
Change is rapid these days
And do not be frightened by the new things it brings
You may say to yourself
I like things the way they are
You may say to yourself
I do not like things the way they are
Whether you like them or not
Change will come about anyway
So stand still if you want
The child will grow to become a man or woman with time
Time causes changes
Mind causes changes
Our human nature causes changes
Our need to adapt to change itself causes changes
Change comes whether we are ready or not
Change is like a thief that breaks into your house
It comes unannounced
Like a thief, through a window it may come
Like a thief, through a door it may come
Like a thief, through a roof it may come
Come it will, for its nature is change
You may shut your doors tight
Change will make the effort to break in
You may fasten your windows tight
Change will make the effort to come in
You may leave your doors ajar
Change will come unannounced
Change does not ask to be invited into the house
When change comes into the house it brings its own chair
You do not have to offer it a seat
For it brings its own chair
It comes and seats in its own chair called “Transformation”
And announces new ideas of change
Whether you are ready for them or not
Change is a necessity of change
Variety is the spice of life
Change brings about variety
A change of clothes is refreshing
A change of food is appetizing
A new face is always welcome
Change is the spice of life
May the lord, guide our footsteps on the right path of change
May the lord, grant us wisdom to change for the best
May the lord, grant us understanding to accept change
May the lord, grant us compassion to change our hearts
May the lord, grant us the will to change our minds
May the changes to come bring everlasting peace
May the lord, grant us a change in our attitudes
May the lord, change our attitudes towards racial intolerance
May the lord, change us to unite us as citizens of earth
May the lord, remove the fear of change from our hearts
May the lord, grant us the patience of change
From the poem 'CHANGE IS A NECESSITY OF LIFE", within the book "THE TRINITY OF LIGHTS, VOL. 2"
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Preservation of Life
we eat to live
we do not live to eat
we drink to live
we do not live to drink
we breath to live
we do not live to breath
The preservation of life
is always the right choice
If a sword is raised against you
if you fail to raise your shield
you have made an incorrect choice
you have neglected to preserve your life
If you are offered a glass of poison wine
Do not drink it for the sake of the truth
Do not choose death over life
for the sake of the truth
For the preservation of life
is always the right choice
Always choose life over death
Always choose joy over misery
Always choose peace over war
For the preservation of life
is always the right choice
Do not lead yourself to the gallows
for the sake of truth
Do not allow yourself to be hanged
for the sake of the truth
The preservation of life
is always the right choice
when your life is in the balance
between truth and false
between justice and injustice
between life and death
Always make a decision
That will preserve life
Do not take another person's life
to preserve your own
For the other person has as much right
to preserve their life
just as much as you have the right
to preserve your life
Each has a duty to preserve their life
Live and Let's live is the rule of life
Society must make the effort
to remove the tools that endanger life
Society must make the effort
to remove weapons that cause death
Society must make the effort
to preserve each and every life
What good is it
to invent tools that cause death
For it is against the prime objective of life
which is the preservation of life
The human body as frail as it is
is plagued by deseases, and germs without invitation
It is better to invent medicine
Than to invent weapons of war
For the preservation of life
is the prime objective
The days of the gladiators are over
For no longer is a man measured by the strength of his muscles
But by the strength is his mind is he measured
No longer is a country measured by its ability to wage war
But by its ability to create peace and preserve life
For the preservation of life is always the right choice
From the poem 'THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE", within the book "THE TRINITY OF LIGHTS VOL. 2", By Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
we do not live to eat
we drink to live
we do not live to drink
we breath to live
we do not live to breath
The preservation of life
is always the right choice
If a sword is raised against you
if you fail to raise your shield
you have made an incorrect choice
you have neglected to preserve your life
If you are offered a glass of poison wine
Do not drink it for the sake of the truth
Do not choose death over life
for the sake of the truth
For the preservation of life
is always the right choice
Always choose life over death
Always choose joy over misery
Always choose peace over war
For the preservation of life
is always the right choice
Do not lead yourself to the gallows
for the sake of truth
Do not allow yourself to be hanged
for the sake of the truth
The preservation of life
is always the right choice
when your life is in the balance
between truth and false
between justice and injustice
between life and death
Always make a decision
That will preserve life
Do not take another person's life
to preserve your own
For the other person has as much right
to preserve their life
just as much as you have the right
to preserve your life
Each has a duty to preserve their life
Live and Let's live is the rule of life
Society must make the effort
to remove the tools that endanger life
Society must make the effort
to remove weapons that cause death
Society must make the effort
to preserve each and every life
What good is it
to invent tools that cause death
For it is against the prime objective of life
which is the preservation of life
The human body as frail as it is
is plagued by deseases, and germs without invitation
It is better to invent medicine
Than to invent weapons of war
For the preservation of life
is the prime objective
The days of the gladiators are over
For no longer is a man measured by the strength of his muscles
But by the strength is his mind is he measured
No longer is a country measured by its ability to wage war
But by its ability to create peace and preserve life
For the preservation of life is always the right choice
From the poem 'THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE", within the book "THE TRINITY OF LIGHTS VOL. 2", By Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
The Code of Faith

The Trinity of Lights
Almost since the beginning of recorded history, people have struggled with the concept of God. Some of the greatest minds have tried to connect the things people could prove scientifically with those that had to be taken on faith.
While philosophers such as Aristotle managed to bridge some of the differences, as time and science progressed, the division seemed to widen. Despite seeing some of the greatest scientific discoveries ever, the science of the 20th century going into the 21st century seemed unable to prove that a greater spiritual presence existed.
Bayonne author Ken Nunoo believes he has uncovered a code that shows mathematically that God exists.
"The Trinity of Lights," a book published in October through Publish America, presents a mathematical approach to spiritualism, and seeks to provide people with a logical understanding of the spiritual universe. Nunoo hopes to make people understand that science - in particularly mathematics - is not something divorced from the spiritual world, but part of the same overall reality.
"My book provides a mathematical approach to spiritualism," he said during a recent interview.
The work pulls together five shorter pieces he had worked on, in a project he said took him three years to compile.
The idea is to use logic and reason, he said, to help people grasp the less tangible world of spirituality.
In his effort to find some code people could use to prove mathematically the existence of God, Nunoo analyzed letters, concepts of sound and mind, and above all, how important numbers are in making the connection between belief and scientific fact.
Since the number three appears to be at the center of this concept, he named his book "The Trinity of Lights."
"Everything has three components," he said, "even if you don't see them."
Science, culture, and music
Nunoo, the son of a spiritualist, has always been on the border between faith and scientific fact. He called his father, who worked among the tribes in Ghana, Africa, a prophet.
"I was born here, but raised there," he said.
But much of Nunoo's education came in the West, and he dedicated himself to trying to build a logical bridge between the two.
He said his talent involves bringing knowledge from the spiritual world into the everyday world.
Part instructional manual and part observation of how things work, Nunoo's book is designed to collect all those things he learned over the years into a place his own son could find them.
He tried to record some of the material in an electronic "blog," or on-line journal, but decided that he needed to it all in one volume.
"I wanted my son to know of my experiences and those experiences my father had," Nunoo said. "This is a legacy."
While the book has roots in the Bible and his upbringing in African spiritualism, Nunoo said the teachings and mathematical calculations could be applied to any religious faith.
Since mathematics plays a huge part in his education - he has a degree in management information systems from Pace University, as well as musical background, as he is a musical composure and poet - mathematics seems to be the logical tool for him to have used.
His code involves using musical notes to reveal aspects of sacred Biblical texts not obvious simply by reading, and through this, he finds that many key words in the Bible translate into "God" or "beginning."
Nunoo said he wants the book to become a way for people to realize that God can be proven mathematically.
In some ways, this may help solve one of the most troubling aspects of human existence, how to prove God exists, rather than simply taking that existence on faith.
Nunoo is currently working on another book. And, of course, he continues to compose music and poetry.
"I have written more than 300 songs," he said, noting that some of them can be found on the Web.
"The Trinity of Lights," can be purchased online, at local bookstores, or through Barnes & Nobles, Publish America, the book's publisher.
The Trinity of Lights
Black of Darkness

The Trinity of Lights
Black of Darkness
Before the sun was formed there was darkness.
Before the moon was formed, there was darkness.
Before the earth was formed, there was darkness.
Before anything was formed, there was darkness
The rhythm of life is a dance between the light and the black of darkness.
Black Star
There is darkness, then sunrise, then back to darkness
The pendulum swings from darkness to light, then back to darkness
Life swings from darkness to life then back to darkness
When it gets darkest, the stars come out.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black star and the black of darkness.
Black Night
The inner nature of the black of darkness is unknown
Black exists on every plain and on every level
Below the very depths of the earth is darkness
Above the stars of the sky is darkness
The black of darkness is everywhere.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black night and the black of darkness
Black Beauty
What is within the black is unknown.
A black man may have the outer appearance of a beggar
Yet, he could be a rich man
And, yet another black man may have the appearance of a beggar
And could indeed be a beggar.
What is within the black of darkness is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black beauty and the black of darkness
Black Love
A black woman may have the outer appearance of youth,
Yet her actual age will surprise you.
And, still yet another black woman may have the outer appearance of old age
Yet her age will surprise you.
What is within the black of darkness is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black love and the black of darkness
Black Sabbath
The colors and metals of the week
Sunday is Gold color yellow
Monday is Silver color white
Tuesday is Iron color red
Wednesday is Mercury color purple
Thursday is Tin color blue
Friday is copper color green
Saturday is lead color black
The color of the 7th day of the week, which is the Sabbath is black
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black Sabbath and the black of darkness
Black Shoes
Like they say, once you go black you can never go back.
I wonder why this is so?
Is it something contained within the seed of the black color?
That transforms everything to itself?
What is within the black is unknown.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black shoes and the black of darkness.
Black dancer
A black lady at the age of 23 may be a university graduate
Yet another black lady at the age of 23 could barely read and write
Why? The black of darkness exists on all levels.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black dancer and the black of darkness
Black rock
The black of darkness is the background on which all else exists
The black of darkness is unknown
The black of darkness existed before the sun, the moon and the stars
The black of darkness is in all the things.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black rock and the black of darkness
Black lace
The black of darkness is the void before life began
The black of darkness is the carpet on which the light walks
The black of darkness is the foundation on which all is built
The black of darkness is the beginning and the end.
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black lace and the black of darkness
Black stockings
The re-incarnating soul returns from the past
with knowledge and skills
The souls return from Atlantis with it's knowledge
of science, and is reborn in the new land
Then lo, and behold, we have new inventions from the past.
The souls return from African kings and prophets from the past
then lo, and behold we have mighty achievers.
what is within the black of darkness is unknown
The rhythm of life is a dance between the black stockings and the black of darkness
Written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
The Lord is my Healer
My pen is my magic wand
With my pen I write names divine
Then lo and behold, miracles divine occur
With my pen I write names holy
Then lo and behold, diseases are cured
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
The name of the Lord and my pen are one
The name of the Lord of Hosts my pen writes
The name of the Lord of Life my pen writes
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
On white paper my pen draws a circle
Within the circle my pen draws another circle
Within the circle my pen draws an upward triangle
Within the circle my pen draws a downward triangle
The two triangles form a hexagram
Within the six angles of the hexagram my pen writes HE
At the base of the upward triangle my pen writes ALEPH, LAMED, HE, YOD, MEM
At the base of the downward triangle my pen writes YOD, HE VAU, HE
In the vertical center of the of hexagram my pen writes YOD, HE, SHIN, VAU
Within the double circle my pen writes
“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men”
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
Like a band aid to the wound
I now apply the drawing of my pen
To the afflicted part of the body
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand.
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
With my pen I write names divine
Then lo and behold, miracles divine occur
With my pen I write names holy
Then lo and behold, diseases are cured
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
The name of the Lord and my pen are one
The name of the Lord of Hosts my pen writes
The name of the Lord of Life my pen writes
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
On white paper my pen draws a circle
Within the circle my pen draws another circle
Within the circle my pen draws an upward triangle
Within the circle my pen draws a downward triangle
The two triangles form a hexagram
Within the six angles of the hexagram my pen writes HE
At the base of the upward triangle my pen writes ALEPH, LAMED, HE, YOD, MEM
At the base of the downward triangle my pen writes YOD, HE VAU, HE
In the vertical center of the of hexagram my pen writes YOD, HE, SHIN, VAU
Within the double circle my pen writes
“In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men”
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand
Like a band aid to the wound
I now apply the drawing of my pen
To the afflicted part of the body
The Lord is my healer
My pen is my magic wand.
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Trinity of Lights
my pen is my magic wand
it performs miracles of its own
later, when my mind reads
what my pen has written
my mind wonders, where my pen had such ideas.
my pen is my magic wand
with my pen, I write names divine
then lo, and behold, miracles divine occur
with my pen, I write names holy
then lo, and behold diseases are cured
the pen is mightier than the sword
what is written by my pen, may last a thousand years
what is spoken by my mouth, may last but a day
my pen is my magic wand.
my pen is my magic wand
Yod, Aleph, He, my pen writes
Yod, He, Vau, He, my pen writes
Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem, my pen writes
these names divine my pen writes
these names holy my mouth speaks.
my pen is my magic wand
on white paper my pen draws a circle
within the circle my pen draws another circle
within the circle my pen draws a large cross
to the east of the cross my pen writes, Aleph, Resh, Yod, Aleph, Lamed
to the west of the cross my pen writes, Tau, Aleph, Resh, Samek, Yod, Shin
to the south of the cross my pen writes, Shin, Resh, Aleph. Pe
to the north of the cross my pen writes, Kaph, Resh, Vau, Beth
within the double circle my pen writes
"they pierced my hands, my sides, and my feet
I may tell my bones"
my pen is my magic wand.
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Power of Love

Dance to the sounds of nature vol. 1
Does love come to us from what we see ?
Does love come to us from what we touch ?
Does love come to us from what we taste ?
Does love come to us from what we smell ?
Does love come to us from what we hear ?
All these are the powers of love.
Love is God
Love is gentle
Love is kind
Love is merciful
Love is compassionate
Love is forgiving
Love is laughter
Love is joy
Love is happiness
All these are the powers of love
A kind smile from my love brighten my minute
A kiss from my love brightens my hour
A hug from my love brightens my day
A passion of love from love, brightens my week
Even more, all these combined from my love brightens my month
The power of love is in all these.
They say love is blind
For beauty is in the eye of the beholder
One man’s meat is another man’s poison
What my love sees in me is only known in the heart
The heart is the true judge of love
The power of love has unknown depth
Will death separate me and my love
Will time separate me and my love
Will age separate me and my love
Will skin color separate me and my love
Will language separate me and my love
The power of love overcomes all these
On white paper my pen draws a circle
Within the circle my pen draws another circle
Within the circle my pen draws a downward triangle
At the apex of the downward triangle my pen draws an upward triangle
These two triangle form an hour glass
One flowing in and through to the other
The endless flow of the energies of love
The symbol of love my pen continues to draw
My pen is my magic wand
To the right of the hour glass my pen writes YOD, HE, VAU, HE
To the left of the hour glass my pen writes ALEPH, DALETH, NUN, YOD
At the upper base of the hour glass my pen writes RESH, VAU, CHETH
At the lower base of the hour glass my pen writes ALEPH, CHETH, YOD, DALETH, SAMECH
In the vertical center of the hour glass my pen writes DALETH, GIMEL, LAMED, YOD, ALEPH, LAMED
Outside the upper base of the hour glass my pen writes AYIN, LAMED, MEM, YOD, ALEPH, LAMED
Outside the lower base of the hour glass my pen writes MEM, VAU, NUN, CHETH, YOD, ALEPH, LAMED
I showed this symbol of love to my love to my love
And we fell in love forever
For we are bond by the name of God
For God lives forever
And God is love
The power of love is in the name of God
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
The Lord is our warior

Dance to the sounds of nature vol. 2
When enemies knock at our door
With an army of 10,000 soldiers they surround us
In their hands are spears
Shaped like heads of dragon
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
Their helmets are of steel
Their breast plates are of brass
Their spears are long and sharp
They stood tall before use as giants
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
Their shout for war was as thunder in our ears
They stood as army by the multitude
Ten thousand at our right they stood
Ten thousand at our left they stood
With thirst and hunger for war in their faces
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
With a shout for war
They draw their swords
We see a sea of thousands of swords drawn in the air
The blades of their swords shinning in the sun
Their spears drawn as they advance forward
We behold all these
Yet unmoved on our ground we stood
For the Lord is our warrior
To our left we behold a battalion of soldiers on horses
To our right we behold a battalion of chariots
Their arrows drawn in the air in their bows
We behold all these
Yet unmoved, we stood our ground
For the Lord is our warrior
written by Ken Nunoo
The Trinity of Lights
The Arc, Compass & Ruler

The Trinity of Lights (paperback)
Think as if your every thought
will be etched in fire
accross the clear blue sky
for everyone to see
Speak as if every word
That comes out of your mouth
is either a knife or a cure
that can either wound or heal
Act as if your every act
will be a drama on television
for everyone to see
Think as if your every thought
will manifest as tangible things
for everyone to see
speak as if your every word
will be a voice on radio
for everyone to hear
Act as if for your every act
There are eyes watching your every move
And there are hands recording your every act
That will become the book of your life
What we sow in the mind
is what we reap
What we sow in our speech
is what we reap
What we sow in our actions
is what we reap
I came across a desease
that calls itself cancer
I asked it how it came to be
And it told me someones's evil thoughts
brought it into existence
I came across two nations at war
I asked how this war started
I was told, words of misunderstanding
was the cause of all this bloodshed
I came accross two cars collided
wrecked in an accident
with the passengers wounded and dying
I asked how this came to be
I was told the careless drunken actions of the driver caused it.
We must measure our thoughts, with an arc
As if they are tangible things
we must measure our speech, wth a compass
As if they can start wars
We must measure our actions, with a ruler
For they can cause death
The Trinity of Lights (paperback)
written by Ken Nunoo
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