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Friday, September 12, 2008


THE CROSS OF WEDNESDAY. For all persons born on Wednesday, and for events pertaining to Wednesday. In the horizontal arm of the cross are the letters ALPEH, LAMED, HE, YOD MEM TZADDI, BETH, ALEPH, VAU, TAU This forms the name of God ELOHIM TZABAOTH (GOD OF HOSTS). In the upper vertical arm of the cross are the letters MEM, YOD, KAPH, ALEPH, LAMED this forms the name of the angel MICHAEL. In the lower vertical arm of the cross are the letters RESH, PE, ALEPH, LAMED this forms the name of the angel RAPHAEL. Copyright Ken Nunoo, The Trinity of Lights, The Seed Master, La Semilla Maestra, The Seed Masters. 2008

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